@isthi_irfan I think given the current state of affairs, we’re going to need it.

Fantastic effort, Melbourne. Let’s get to doughnut week. twitter.com/VicGovDH/statu…

This is a small thing, and I’m not sure how these tweets are written but if they’re automated, I like how the devs included proper support for singular numbers: “1 new case” vs. “1 new cases”.

Shows that this was always a possibility. twitter.com/VicGovDH/statu…

Excited to see that official support for embedding static resources is coming to Go. lmika.org/2020/10/31/off…

@JoachimMika @djrothkopf It’s funny how peddlers in conspiracy theories never say what the actual conspiracy is. They’re like bad clickbaity headlines saying they have “evidence”, “documents” or “the truth”, but they never come out and state what the actual claims are.

@isthi_irfan I’m planning a trip to the shops for a coffee. I’ll see if there are any in stock.

Those of you that missed out on doughnuts yesterday, you’ve got another chance today. twitter.com/VicGovDH/statu…

@isthi_irfan Have to get in quick. I’ve seen reports that the number of donuts in stock is the same number of cases reported in the last 24 hours 😀

Not one to post stories often, but I found this one from the Verge about the Foxconn deal in Wisconsin facinating. It’s worth a read if you haven’t done so already. theverge.com/21507966/foxco…

@DivZero_ Gotta say that there are things about working from home that I really like, and will probably miss when we all head back to the office.

Unit Testing and Verifying Mocking Interaction lmika.org/2020/10/14/uni…

@seanmalseed @DivZero_ @ctrlshifti It probably takes more than 4 kB of RAM to render that single thinking face emoji.

I don’t know how this keeps happening, but it feels like the Bluetooth stack on Android gets a little worse every release. Now with Android R, it takes a good 3-5 seconds since turning on my headphones before the audio is routed to them.

It’s interesting to see the number of new JavaScript tools that are not themselves written in JavaScript. “esbuild”, written in Go, is another example of this. twitter.com/InfoQ/status/1…

A Database Client Wishlist: lmika.org/2020/10/09/wha…

I’ve only just realised that the Victorian CHO Twitter account includes a daily Covid-19 case breakdown report. The Twitter client is such a mess so I’m trying out the Feedbin Twitter integration to get these. If it’s any better, I might add some more.

Sharing links to private podcast episodes: lmika.org/2020/10/06/sha…

Et tu, Google? twitter.com/daringfireball…

Interesting article. The second to last paragraph is illuminating. twitter.com/MoiraDonegan/s…

After reading the recent news articles, along with hearing what the founder prioritises, it’s looking like Nikola is just another money grab a. la. WeWorks. Here’s hoping it doesn’t poison the well for non-petroleum transportation companies. arstechnica.com/cars/2020/09/n…

Let’s hold the line, Melbourne. We’ve got this.: lmika.org/2020/09/23/mel…

Ah, Day One. At least let me get through the day first. t.co/8mGTxCWX4…

I wonder if it’s possible to develop something like ambidexterity for Mac and non-Mac keyboard shortcuts.

📚 “The War of Art”, by Steven Pressfield. An excellent book about the creative process. Very easy read as well, can get through it in a weekend. amazon.com/War-Art-Throug…

Good news is hard to come by recently, and the Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne are anything but easy. But seeing 21 new cases yesterday, and 14 new cases today, the lowest in 3 months, is encouraging. Lets see how this last week of Stage 4 restrictions go.