@jacobmparis @starbuxman The biggest difference between AU web-dev to both US and CA is that instead of “display: none” we have “display: yeah-nah”.

I used iPad OS’s markup feature on a multi-page PDF for the first time this morning. It works reasonably well, except that there’s no way to hide the overview, and it’s positioned where I usually rest my wrist to write. The palm rejection is not … lmika.org/2020/09/18/i-u…

Getting Screen Capture Working in Vivaldi on Fedora 32: lmika.org/2020/09/17/get…

@jamesthomson I love how the copy implies that the errors are your fault.

Now that we’re allowed to venture outside a bit more, I’d like to start my lunchtime walks again. However, the sun is starting to intensify so I’ll have to start wearing a hat again. This means my headphone situation will need to change.

First Foray Into Home Automation: lmika.org/2020/09/12/fir…

Note to self: when making a joke, be sure to check the spelling of the subject.

I wonder if Oracle’s first change to TicToc, should they ever buy it, would be to add 5 different screens asking the user to sign up to “TicToc Enterprise” whenever they want to watch a video, and the only way around each one is a tiny link at the … lmika.org/2020/09/09/i-w…

@DivZero_ If they did contact tracing with Salesforce and regular expressions, that would be 3 problems.

@hotdogsladies The ironic things is that after buying the ATP membership, I kinda want to start listening to the ads again.

@davewiner @benthompson is doing a great job of covering this in Stratechery. Post is members only but his newsletter is worth signing up to: stratechery.com/2020/australia…

@davewiner The cynical side of me says that Murdoch has got the PM’s ear.

@davewiner It’s an attempt by the federal government to prop up media organisations that don’t realise that their inability to monetise is not the fault of Facebook or Google.

I’m no fan of either company, but I find this propose law disturbing.

On Ordered Lists in Markdown: lmika.org/2020/09/01/on-…

@starbuxman Yeah, I had a pen-pal growing up as well. Unfortunately, I treated it like all other social interactions where I wrote to them twice, then never again afterwards.

If Google does this to the Pixel 4, just what do they expect for the Pixel 5?: lmika.org/2020/08/07/if-…

@karaswisher @jack Sceptical of Twitters motivation here. Everyone wants to promote openness when they’re on the back foot. Once they’re in a position of strength, suddenly it’s not a priority anymore. Feels to me like the open internet is just used as a pawn here.

From ABC’s Coronacast: Melbourne’s Stage 3 restrictions in July prevented 20,000 infections and 3-4x no. of deaths and hospitalisation. Without them we would have had 3,000-4,000 new cases on the day we had just over 700. abc.net.au/radio/programs…

@Laurie_Garrett If this really happens, this pandemic would have been worth it.

@coder_bec Yep, I agree completely.

@djrothkopf Can’t say I’m surprised. A few states/territories have managed to suppress the virus reasonably well (Tas, NT) and I doubt the state/federal gov would want throw that effort away. I’m certainly not expecting the border to open for overseas travel this year (maybe to NZ).

@DivZero_ My favourite time of day is actually 13:37. I also find myself looking at the clock at that exact time more often than I would usually expect.

@DustinScherer @marcoarment (Groans) This is why web developers can’t have nice things.

@djrothkopf I think you’re exactly right, @djrothkopf. From my vantage point abroad, I can’t help think that a small part of the behaviour of US police forces is due to the fact that anyone can be armed. Get rid of the guns, and there’s no need, or excuse, for their violent behaviour.

Open letters are nice and all, but if these employees are serious in their concern of Facebooks direction, they would also be updating the resumes. twitter.com/MikeIsaac/stat…