Should probably say that this is for phones with unskinned Android system UIs, like Pixel. I don’t know what needs to be done for skinned devices.

For those of you with Android phones who want to hide the CovidSafe notification while leaving it running, go to “Settings -> Apps -> Show all apps -> CovidSafe -> Notification -> Foreground service”, then turn on “Minimise”.…

@DivZero_ Congratulations, @DivZero_ . I’m sure you’ll do well there.

@DivZero_ @coder_bec The whole motivation for this was that any syntax error stopped the webpack watcher. Because it’s covered by the IDE, I don’t see the error and I get confused when I don’t see my code changes in the browser.

@DivZero_ @coder_bec I put together an Arduino shield with two sets of red, yellow and green LEDs. It comes in handy when messing around with JS. The webpack watcher runs in the shell behind the ide. It turns on the yellow led when “compiling” and turns on either green or red based on syntax errors.

TIL that minute (60 sec) and minute (small) are spelt the same way. Now when I see headlines beginning with “Trump owns a minute stake…” I now know it’s not referring to a serve of meat of questionable quality.

A few thoughts about the pandemic and how I personally hope to face it mentally:…

Interesting times when instead of going to the gym today, I worked on a gym log app, and didn’t feel bad about it #SocialDistancing .

@robot_or_not @jsnell @siracusa Suggestion: if it’s Wednesday, when is “next Saturday”? 3 days from now or next week? Likewise for “last Saturday”?

@DivZero_ At least they came back with quotes. Still waiting for mine.

I’ve just added my name to the petition calling on Australia’s biggest energy using companies to make the switch to 100% renewable energy!

Add your name and help kick start a massive wave of new renewable energy projects for Australia. #ReEnergise…

@DivZero_ @SlackHQ Ah, that’s fantastic news. First thing when I get in…

@ddemaree If you’re in the city: the Eureka Sky Deck or Southern Star (the ferris wheel) is meant to be good. If you can get out of the city for a day, the Yarra Valley has some nice wineries, or Mt Dandenong has some nice places as well.

@theage Penny Wong for PM, please.

@NatashaBertrand Suddenly had Pink Floyd “Pigs on the wing” in my head.

@jesseberney @siracusa Sad to hear. Know and work with good people who work in NWS. Hope they pull through this OK.… He will be sorely missed.